Hey everyone, I'm Gabrielle!

I'm a recent graduate with my eyes set on an exciting career in the Marketing industry! Behind this lies my real passion: weaving creativity into every aspect of life. This website isn't just a blog; it's my experimentation using all I’ve learned in my degree and applying it to what I know best. It's here that I merge theory with practice, aiming to carve out a niche in the digital realm that's authentically me - and what better niche than making a brand out of myself?

I aim to build a portfolio that reflects my true self and interests. From the different parts of the world I've explored, to the aspirational ones I dream of, from style tips and a unique outlook on trends to pop culture – every piece of content is a brick in the foundation of my future, and each one of these bricks is curated using my thoughts, experiences, and memories.

So, whether you're here for travel content, style ideas, fashion inspo, or just my random opinions on the latest in pop culture and marketing trends, know that you're witnessing my growth in real-time. This website is my open book—a blend of professional aspirations and personal passions.


+44 7502 544552